1. cfTools::CancerDetector.markers
    Cancer-specific marker parameter
  2. cfTools::CancerDetector.reads
    Fragment-level methylation state for cancer detection
  3. cfTools::CpG_OB_demo
    Methylation information for CpG on the original bottom strand (OB)
  4. cfTools::CpG_OT_demo
    Methylation information for CpG on the original top strand (OT)
  5. cfTools::beta_matrix
    Beta value matrix
  6. cfTools::cfDeconvolve.markers
    Tissue-specific marker parameter
  7. cfTools::cfDeconvolve.reads
    Fragment-level methylation state for tissue deconvolution
  8. cfTools::cfsort_markers
    cfSort markers
  9. cfTools::cfsort_reads
    Fragment-level methylation state for cfSort tissue deconvolution
  10. cfTools::demo.fragment_level.meth.bed
    Fragment-level methylation information
  11. cfTools::demo.refo_frag.bed
    Fragment-level information
  12. cfTools::demo.refo_meth.bed
    Methylation information on fragments
  13. cfTools::demo.sorted.bed
    Paired-end sequencing reads
  14. cfTools::marker_index
    Marker name
  15. cfTools::markers.bed
    Genomic postions of markers
  16. cfTools::sample_type
    Sample type